Friday, November 23, 2012


Yesterday was the most unusual thanksgiving ever. So we all woke up at like 5:30 and got ready in our nice clothes. Then we drove to a gas station and got cappuccinos. Next we made our way down to a place called the Dream Center, which is run by our church. My family and I were going to cut desserts for the lunches that the other people were making. The goal was to make lunch's of Turkey, mash potatoes, green beans, and all the Thanksgiving fix ins and deliver the meals to people around the area who were less fortune it. I have never seen so many pumpkin pies in my entire life! There were probably 20 pumpkin pies And that's not all! There were cupcakes, muffins, donuts, cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and tons of other stuff! I didn't eat anything. We cut the desserts for like 2 and a half hours straight. It was very fun, but finally it was time to leave.

We drove around for a long, long time looking for a place to eat. Finally we settled at Ihop. Or as Landon says ihope. We waited forever for our food, and people were getting grumpy. The food came what seemed like hours later. I had mac-n-cheese, and fruit salad at 11 in the morning on Thanksgiving. Next we played a game called "Spot It." Everyone has 1 card. In the middle of the group there is a card face down. One person flipped the card over and you have to find something that is the same on your card as on the middle card. The first person to call out what is the same gets to keep that card. It was really embarrassing, because my family can get very loud with games, and people were looking at us.

Then we drove for four minutes to a movie theater. We bought 5 tickets to see Wreck-it-Ralph. Then we waited in line to by popcorn and soda. My mom got a large refillable sprite and a large refillable popcorn for all of s to share. The movie was reeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyy really good! I would go see it again and again. It made me laugh so hard, even my mom and dad laughed! I would recommend it for the whole family. I had so much soda that I went to the bathroom 3 times, and I never go to the bathroom during movies. After the movie we drove the 12 miles back home.

When we got home I ate a mini pumpkin pie. Then my mom made me work on school work! Give me a break! I finished it, and then she dragged me on a bike ride with her. On our travels we saw 2 alligators! Some one in our neighborhood was deep frying a Turkey and it smelt oh so very good, I was about to die! Right when we got back my mom made brussel sprouts and Turkey-less Turkey with gravy. She also had made a pumpkin rice thing. We all ate and said what we were thankful for. After we ate i took a shower, then I played Mario kart on the Wii. I got 5 place! Then my brother and I watched a special Thanksgiving Good Luck Charlie.

It was a weird and unusual Thanksgiving, but I liked it. It was very fun and different!

By: Devyn Jackson

Friday, November 2, 2012

short story time!

This is a short story by Devyn Jackson! Enjoy...
The secret of the fairies

      Once there was a magical wizard that lived deep in the forest. His name was Dr. Hubbles, and he was 349 years old. Dr. Hubbles was the oldest in the village, he had been around the longest. The catch with Mr. Hubbles, was that he could not be trusted. He knew every trick and spell in the book that you never know what we will conjure up next! 
      One fine July day, Grace, the kings daughter, was picking lilacs by the wizard's tiny cottage.
"Oh my! These lilacs are just lovely. I think I'll pick some blue ones for mother." Suddenly she saw a green puff of smoke come from Dr. Hubbles back door. "Dr. Hubbles? What ever are you doing" Grace called from the window. The wizard replied, "Grace, my fine lady. How do you do?" "Very fine thank you. I... couldn't help but notice that green smoke coming out of your window. What is that all about?" The princess asked. "Well, you see... um... well, I'm trying to figure out the secret of the fairies." Dr. Hubbles said. "But Dr. Hubbles, know one has ever figured out the secret of the fairies, ever!" " Grace, why don't you come back to my cottage tomorrow, and i will have tell the you secret of the fairies. I promise." That was Dr. Hubbles, and he always keeps his promises.
      It was the next day, and Grace was at Dr. Hubbles cottage. "Excuse me. May I come in?" "Why of, course! Are you ready to find out the secret of the fairies, princess?" The wizard asked. Grace replied, "yes, yes! Yes I am ready. Tell me!"
      "You are a fairy! That is the secret of the fairies! Now you know, don't use your powers for bad, be careful with your fairy dust. Best wishes!"
                                                                                                  By: Devyn Jackson

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sewing Camp!!!!

Last week I went to a sewing camp in old mount pleasant, SC. It was Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 3:00. There were 6 girls including me. The girl that taught the camp had sewing machines for each of us. We made super cool things, and it was super fun and easy. I met this girl there, her name is Gracelyn Ely. She is going into the 7th grade, and she goes to Cario middle school. I do too! She has a sister named Sheldyn and she is going into the 3rd grade at Pinkney Elementary School, that is where Corbin goes. Gracelyn and I have tons in common with each other. I loved sewing camp!

lego jabbas palace:corbin

This blog is me working on jabbas palace.It took me all week to build this set because little kids kept destroying it.I built jabbas palace in star wars lego camp.

This is landon looking at the parts of jabbas palace that  we already finished building.  

This is me just finishing up jabbas palace on Friday

This is a picture of jabbas palace finished.

This is a picture close up and if you look closely on top of chewbacca head theres a handle and if you lift up the handle it opens a trap door.

This picture is jabbas palace complited on with my name on the paper

Now that ive built jabbas palace really really really want jabbas palace for my birthday.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

South Carolina. thoughts from a 5 year old.

Q&A with Landon on the past week of his life

What did you think of flying?
I hated when its a long time to sit.
Anything that you liked?
I liked when they served us drinks and food and cookies on the plane. I had a lot of snacks.
What about the airport? What do you remember?
I remember that I got a piece of pretzel and a whole shake. and I love seeing the plane flying out the window.
What did we do when we first got Charleston?
We walked out of the plane and we just walked and I don't know where we walked to. I think it was the airport again.
What did we do this week? Can you name some things?
We go'd out to eat and Devyn got a phone. And we gone fishing and before the fishing we played at a playground on a spinny thing that went super fast. And there was a sit thing that went fast. And we went to trader joes and I got a sample. Manicotti. And I gone to my new school.
What has been the worst thing about South Carolina so far?
I hated waiting at the airport and when the plane goes slow. And I think when we go to Disney world I hate when I got sick and I didn't get to go to Sea World. I was so sick. I even throwed up.
What has been the best part about Charleston? what are some favorite things?
Swimming and ice cream. I like to go under water and jump and do cannonballs. Sit jumps. Dives. then pencil jumps. then dives.
What did you like about your ice cream?
I liked the berries. So juicy. And I like the M&M's. and I like that I got two kinds.
He is an M&M. I like that the M is on there. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

flying on the plane by:corbin jackson

Me, Landon, Devyn, and Mom just finished going past security.Then we headed to our gate.At our gate I had my pizza for lunch and I also had some of my candy.Then we went on the plane. On the plane after we took off they came around with drinks and snacks.For a drink I had a sprite and for a snack I had two cookies.After I was done having my cookies and sprite the plane landed in New York we saw what our gate was.Our gate was d3. After we got to our gate we noticed there were i pads all over the airport.We played games on the i pads for a while then we went to see if our flight got canceld because it was raining.It was canceled so we had to spend the night in a hotel.In the hotel we had to sleep in our clothes.We watched the lorax.Then in the morning when we got to the airport we had to go back throug security again.Then we went to our gate.We waited for a little while.Then we got on the plane.As we were getting seated I reallised we were in first class.There was a blanket and pillow on the seat.On the plane I had three cups of sprite and a candy bar and pretzel m&ms.After the plane landed wewent to go see dad.He was waiting in the airport for us because he went to South Carolina before us because of his job.Then we went to panera bread for lunch.I had a smoothie and a piece of bread.Then we went to our apartment.We lived in the apartment because our house was not finished being built yet.In the neiborhood where the apartment is theres a playground right around the block.When we got to the apartment I was really glad to be there.But I still had a really great time.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Shopping on King Street: By Devyn

I've been needing new clothes, so my mom and I went shopping on King street. I got a pair of really cool shoes. I got a yellow leopard print jacket, a pair of flats, 2 cropped tee-shirts, a romper, a pink button down, purple leopard jeans, lip stick, and mascara. When we first got there we ate at this really cool salad bar place where you can build your own salad. After that we went to this store where they have cool little knick-knacks. I didn't get anything there. When we were done looking at that store, we went to Urban Outfitters. Then we went to this clothing store called Francesca's. We kept walking and walking after that looking for a Starbucks. Finally we found one. I got a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino. After we went to the biggest Forever 21 that I have ever seen. Then dad picked us up, it was so fun.

I got this at Forever 21

I got this a Marshall's on a different day

I got this shirt at Urban Outfitters

Forever 21

Urban Outfitters

jeans at Forever 21

T..J. Maxx on a different day



Lipstick and mascara at Forever 21

I am not allowed to wear these clothes until school starts : (

Monday, July 9, 2012

Landon's Top Ten LOVES and HATES

Top ten things that Landon LOVES:
1)  Donkey Kong Country Returns
2) Onions
3) Looney Tunes
4) to sleepover at the camp
5) to play with Luc with the ping pong table
6) to take pictures
7) Eating snacks at school
8) Deep breathing when I lay down. It feels relaxing
9) Catching frogs
10) Best Buy (because they have wii games there)

Top ten things that Landon HATES:
1) "I hate to color with crayons, but love to color with markers"
2) Wii Sports
3) Radishes
4) When Corbin eechies me
5) Gotye
6) Going to Walmart because I don't have money for candy
7) Karate Kid
8) Elephants
9) When we go to the bank and they do not have lollipops
10) Getting shots


8. XBOX 360
5. TV

Designer Devyn

I have been living at my memere's house for the past several weeks, and she has a sewing machine. I love to sew. I want to be a world wide fashion designer. I've always wanted to sew a dress, a shirt, cute handbags but I never had a pattern to make it, so I thought of a great idea to make an apron. Instead of using a pattern I traced my memere's apron to make one for me. It took a lot of work. It took me two afternoons to complete it. I am super proud of it! I hope you like! 




Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Devyn's hidden talent

 I wanted to try something new this week. This a video of me playing a song on the piano that I wrote myself. I really hope that you like it. I haven't thought of a name for the song yet but I am looking for suggestions.

CORBIN: 10 things that I like and hate

The 10 things that I like

1. baseball
2. basketball
3. eating
4. being with my family
5. going on trips
6. dogs
7. tv
8. manatees
9. going to my friends house
10. running

The 10 things that I hate

2. showering
3. school
4. when Landon is annoying
5. when Devyn is annoying
6. when there's nothing in the mail for me
7. when my mom and dad say I can't walk home from school
8. chores
9. when my mom and dad doesn't buy the toys that I want her to buy for me
10. when I have to throw some of my Halloween candy

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Photo Book

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Devyn: Softball

I just started playing softball. We've only had 3 games. 2 wins 1 loss. Friday was our best game. We were against Maraeka's team. The score was 9-1. We won. The first time I went to hit I got 4 balls, so I got to go to walk to first base. Then when the next batter was up I stole second base. I was at second for a while but then when I could steal I booked it to to third. She missed the ball, so I ran home and the catcher didn't get the ball in time so I got a home run. My team mates were cheering for me. It felt good. The second time that I got to hit I hit the ball, hard! But it was a foul. Saturday's game the score was 6-3. We won again. Wednesday's game the score was 5-4 we won again! I'm on the Patti Gagne team our team color is bright yellow. I'm number 17.

This is my team in our dugout

This is me up to bat

That's me at first base

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

No-Bake Baking with a 4 year old

So it seems as though Landon thinks he is all-knowing with the microwave these days.

We have busted him a few times. He will punch in a few numbers, push start and it's a go!

To my own surprise, he actually knows what he is doing. I figured that if he is going to start helping himself to the appliances, I might as well teach him about metal in the micro.  Nothing like a traumatizing experience to keep a future little chef out of the kitchen. Now that would be tragic.

Landon's project? Melting chocolate. In all honesty, we were actually working on a dessert when I busted him doing his microwave thang.  He had just jumped ahead of me while I was off doing other things. 

 No Bake Chocolate Pumpkin Mousse
My go-to, whole wheat crust. If I were super ambitious I would make my own crust...but I'm not. :)
  • 1 can of pumpkin 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 1/4 cup chocolate chips
  • 2-3 TBS honey
Melt the chocolate in the microwave in 20 second intervals, stopping to stir in between. Next pile all ingredients  into a food processor. Process until it is velvety smooth. Pour into a pie crust. Chill in the fridge for a few hours. 

Ready for the fridge. The longer it chills the better, as it will firm up nicely.

We do frozen cool whip. It kind of tastes like ice cream.

Perfect combo.

Kyle loved this pie. It's always good if you can pass the man test.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I have been building these legos for the past week. Some are from books and some I made up.
This is a house I built. It was one of the easier ones to build cause its pretty small. I made up this one.

This is a evil shark jet. It was sort of hard to make. I made up this one.

I named this one Corbin's starfighter. Those two green lego pieces next to where the pilot sits is where the blaster bullets come out. I made up this one.

I call this one the alien space speeder. I gave wheels for when it is taking off or landing. I made up this one.

This a motorcyicle. It was sort of hard to make. I built this one from a book.

This is a speed boat. It was sort of hard to make. I built this one from a book.

This is a monster truck. It was pretty easy to make. I built this one from a book.

This is a race car. I think it's pretty cool. I built this one from a book.

This is a big rig. This big rig is made out of 15 lego bricks. I made up this one.

This is a hotel.On the top of the hotel there are the letters h o t e l which spells the word hotel. I built this one .from a book.

This is a New York city chene. There are the twin towers the empire state building a swimming pool 2 flowers a plant and 2 benches with flowers between them. I made this New York chene up.

This is all the lego stuff. I am working on some new lego stuff like a yoda head.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Devyn: Terrier VS. ????

I want a dog super super bad. I've been wanting a dog all my life. I've done everything to get one, But no. I can't get one. These are the kinds of dogs that I want.
In your comment please write what option you would feel that is right for my family and I.Thanks!

Option 1: Beagle puppy

Option 2: Germen Shepard puppy

Option 3: Dachshund

Option 4: Yorkshire Terrier