Sunday, May 6, 2012


I have been building these legos for the past week. Some are from books and some I made up.
This is a house I built. It was one of the easier ones to build cause its pretty small. I made up this one.

This is a evil shark jet. It was sort of hard to make. I made up this one.

I named this one Corbin's starfighter. Those two green lego pieces next to where the pilot sits is where the blaster bullets come out. I made up this one.

I call this one the alien space speeder. I gave wheels for when it is taking off or landing. I made up this one.

This a motorcyicle. It was sort of hard to make. I built this one from a book.

This is a speed boat. It was sort of hard to make. I built this one from a book.

This is a monster truck. It was pretty easy to make. I built this one from a book.

This is a race car. I think it's pretty cool. I built this one from a book.

This is a big rig. This big rig is made out of 15 lego bricks. I made up this one.

This is a hotel.On the top of the hotel there are the letters h o t e l which spells the word hotel. I built this one .from a book.

This is a New York city chene. There are the twin towers the empire state building a swimming pool 2 flowers a plant and 2 benches with flowers between them. I made this New York chene up.

This is all the lego stuff. I am working on some new lego stuff like a yoda head.

1 comment:

  1. Corbin, Oh My God! I am so impressed! These creations are amazing. I love them all so much. The motorcycle looks great. I want to get on it and ride away. :)

    Love, Matante Michelle
