Wednesday, August 8, 2012

flying on the plane by:corbin jackson

Me, Landon, Devyn, and Mom just finished going past security.Then we headed to our gate.At our gate I had my pizza for lunch and I also had some of my candy.Then we went on the plane. On the plane after we took off they came around with drinks and snacks.For a drink I had a sprite and for a snack I had two cookies.After I was done having my cookies and sprite the plane landed in New York we saw what our gate was.Our gate was d3. After we got to our gate we noticed there were i pads all over the airport.We played games on the i pads for a while then we went to see if our flight got canceld because it was raining.It was canceled so we had to spend the night in a hotel.In the hotel we had to sleep in our clothes.We watched the lorax.Then in the morning when we got to the airport we had to go back throug security again.Then we went to our gate.We waited for a little while.Then we got on the plane.As we were getting seated I reallised we were in first class.There was a blanket and pillow on the seat.On the plane I had three cups of sprite and a candy bar and pretzel m&ms.After the plane landed wewent to go see dad.He was waiting in the airport for us because he went to South Carolina before us because of his job.Then we went to panera bread for lunch.I had a smoothie and a piece of bread.Then we went to our apartment.We lived in the apartment because our house was not finished being built yet.In the neiborhood where the apartment is theres a playground right around the block.When we got to the apartment I was really glad to be there.But I still had a really great time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh are such a great detailed that memere can just picture everything.exactly how it happened..what a great experience for you...can"t believe that you have already flown first class....looking forward to your next blog
