Thursday, August 9, 2012

South Carolina. thoughts from a 5 year old.

Q&A with Landon on the past week of his life

What did you think of flying?
I hated when its a long time to sit.
Anything that you liked?
I liked when they served us drinks and food and cookies on the plane. I had a lot of snacks.
What about the airport? What do you remember?
I remember that I got a piece of pretzel and a whole shake. and I love seeing the plane flying out the window.
What did we do when we first got Charleston?
We walked out of the plane and we just walked and I don't know where we walked to. I think it was the airport again.
What did we do this week? Can you name some things?
We go'd out to eat and Devyn got a phone. And we gone fishing and before the fishing we played at a playground on a spinny thing that went super fast. And there was a sit thing that went fast. And we went to trader joes and I got a sample. Manicotti. And I gone to my new school.
What has been the worst thing about South Carolina so far?
I hated waiting at the airport and when the plane goes slow. And I think when we go to Disney world I hate when I got sick and I didn't get to go to Sea World. I was so sick. I even throwed up.
What has been the best part about Charleston? what are some favorite things?
Swimming and ice cream. I like to go under water and jump and do cannonballs. Sit jumps. Dives. then pencil jumps. then dives.
What did you like about your ice cream?
I liked the berries. So juicy. And I like the M&M's. and I like that I got two kinds.
He is an M&M. I like that the M is on there. 


  1. Oh Mr.Landon,
    Love your answers..Some day memere will bring you to Sea World so you can see what you missed...glad you are enjoying South Carolina..memere has your cowboy boots right by the door so we think of you often..
    Mem and Pep

  2. Hi Landon,

    I also don't like to sit for such a long time on airplanes! The ice cream you had sounds so good! I want some.

    Your father sent me a video of you, Corbin, and Devyn swimming in the ocean. Looks like you had so much fun.

    Matante Michelle
