Monday, August 6, 2012

Shopping on King Street: By Devyn

I've been needing new clothes, so my mom and I went shopping on King street. I got a pair of really cool shoes. I got a yellow leopard print jacket, a pair of flats, 2 cropped tee-shirts, a romper, a pink button down, purple leopard jeans, lip stick, and mascara. When we first got there we ate at this really cool salad bar place where you can build your own salad. After that we went to this store where they have cool little knick-knacks. I didn't get anything there. When we were done looking at that store, we went to Urban Outfitters. Then we went to this clothing store called Francesca's. We kept walking and walking after that looking for a Starbucks. Finally we found one. I got a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino. After we went to the biggest Forever 21 that I have ever seen. Then dad picked us up, it was so fun.

I got this at Forever 21

I got this a Marshall's on a different day

I got this shirt at Urban Outfitters

Forever 21

Urban Outfitters

jeans at Forever 21

T..J. Maxx on a different day



Lipstick and mascara at Forever 21

I am not allowed to wear these clothes until school starts : (


  1. Wow sounds like you certainly had a fun day with your your choice of clothes,especially your jeans at Forever will look great
    Love and miss you sweet pea

  2. Hi Devyn,

    I LOVE your clothes! They are all so cute! I love the shoes from Francesca's (love that store--I have a couple of cute tops from there). I also especially like the red top from Marshall's.

    Having those new clothes will make starting school at a new place a little easier. :)

    Matante Michelle
