Monday, July 9, 2012

Landon's Top Ten LOVES and HATES

Top ten things that Landon LOVES:
1)  Donkey Kong Country Returns
2) Onions
3) Looney Tunes
4) to sleepover at the camp
5) to play with Luc with the ping pong table
6) to take pictures
7) Eating snacks at school
8) Deep breathing when I lay down. It feels relaxing
9) Catching frogs
10) Best Buy (because they have wii games there)

Top ten things that Landon HATES:
1) "I hate to color with crayons, but love to color with markers"
2) Wii Sports
3) Radishes
4) When Corbin eechies me
5) Gotye
6) Going to Walmart because I don't have money for candy
7) Karate Kid
8) Elephants
9) When we go to the bank and they do not have lollipops
10) Getting shots

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