Friday, November 23, 2012


Yesterday was the most unusual thanksgiving ever. So we all woke up at like 5:30 and got ready in our nice clothes. Then we drove to a gas station and got cappuccinos. Next we made our way down to a place called the Dream Center, which is run by our church. My family and I were going to cut desserts for the lunches that the other people were making. The goal was to make lunch's of Turkey, mash potatoes, green beans, and all the Thanksgiving fix ins and deliver the meals to people around the area who were less fortune it. I have never seen so many pumpkin pies in my entire life! There were probably 20 pumpkin pies And that's not all! There were cupcakes, muffins, donuts, cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and tons of other stuff! I didn't eat anything. We cut the desserts for like 2 and a half hours straight. It was very fun, but finally it was time to leave.

We drove around for a long, long time looking for a place to eat. Finally we settled at Ihop. Or as Landon says ihope. We waited forever for our food, and people were getting grumpy. The food came what seemed like hours later. I had mac-n-cheese, and fruit salad at 11 in the morning on Thanksgiving. Next we played a game called "Spot It." Everyone has 1 card. In the middle of the group there is a card face down. One person flipped the card over and you have to find something that is the same on your card as on the middle card. The first person to call out what is the same gets to keep that card. It was really embarrassing, because my family can get very loud with games, and people were looking at us.

Then we drove for four minutes to a movie theater. We bought 5 tickets to see Wreck-it-Ralph. Then we waited in line to by popcorn and soda. My mom got a large refillable sprite and a large refillable popcorn for all of s to share. The movie was reeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyy really good! I would go see it again and again. It made me laugh so hard, even my mom and dad laughed! I would recommend it for the whole family. I had so much soda that I went to the bathroom 3 times, and I never go to the bathroom during movies. After the movie we drove the 12 miles back home.

When we got home I ate a mini pumpkin pie. Then my mom made me work on school work! Give me a break! I finished it, and then she dragged me on a bike ride with her. On our travels we saw 2 alligators! Some one in our neighborhood was deep frying a Turkey and it smelt oh so very good, I was about to die! Right when we got back my mom made brussel sprouts and Turkey-less Turkey with gravy. She also had made a pumpkin rice thing. We all ate and said what we were thankful for. After we ate i took a shower, then I played Mario kart on the Wii. I got 5 place! Then my brother and I watched a special Thanksgiving Good Luck Charlie.

It was a weird and unusual Thanksgiving, but I liked it. It was very fun and different!

By: Devyn Jackson

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