Friday, November 2, 2012

short story time!

This is a short story by Devyn Jackson! Enjoy...
The secret of the fairies

      Once there was a magical wizard that lived deep in the forest. His name was Dr. Hubbles, and he was 349 years old. Dr. Hubbles was the oldest in the village, he had been around the longest. The catch with Mr. Hubbles, was that he could not be trusted. He knew every trick and spell in the book that you never know what we will conjure up next! 
      One fine July day, Grace, the kings daughter, was picking lilacs by the wizard's tiny cottage.
"Oh my! These lilacs are just lovely. I think I'll pick some blue ones for mother." Suddenly she saw a green puff of smoke come from Dr. Hubbles back door. "Dr. Hubbles? What ever are you doing" Grace called from the window. The wizard replied, "Grace, my fine lady. How do you do?" "Very fine thank you. I... couldn't help but notice that green smoke coming out of your window. What is that all about?" The princess asked. "Well, you see... um... well, I'm trying to figure out the secret of the fairies." Dr. Hubbles said. "But Dr. Hubbles, know one has ever figured out the secret of the fairies, ever!" " Grace, why don't you come back to my cottage tomorrow, and i will have tell the you secret of the fairies. I promise." That was Dr. Hubbles, and he always keeps his promises.
      It was the next day, and Grace was at Dr. Hubbles cottage. "Excuse me. May I come in?" "Why of, course! Are you ready to find out the secret of the fairies, princess?" The wizard asked. Grace replied, "yes, yes! Yes I am ready. Tell me!"
      "You are a fairy! That is the secret of the fairies! Now you know, don't use your powers for bad, be careful with your fairy dust. Best wishes!"
                                                                                                  By: Devyn Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Very well written Devyn...I was able to visualize your characters and the theme was very interesting....
