Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"Just Because" Cake: A tradition is born

So I try to bake for the kids at least one day a week. I love the thought of picking them up from school and them coming home to a yummy smelling kitchen. Not sure this means a thing to them, but this is about the one old fashioned ideal I have and think is important. Of course, I usually put my healthy spin on my baked goods whether it be muffins, pie, or cookies. Except for yesterday...
Yesterday I was staring at the cupboard, and being the risk taker that I am, I pulled out the Duncan Hines box. Yes, a store-bought cake mix. I knew that they would freak that I made a cake, and for no reason. I prepared myself for the, "What? Whose birthday is it?" and "Why did you make a cake?"

They didn't disappoint. I told Landon not to say anything when we picked Devyn and Corbin up from school, but of course:
Landon: "Can I just tell them about the cake?"
Devyn: "What? a cake? Why? Whose birthday is it?"
Me: "Just Because."

Every once in a while the "Just Because" cake will make a visit. Today was the first time.

Fancy title, I know.

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