Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sunday family "brunch"

So most Sundays we try to sit down for a late breakfast.  By late I mean like 10:00 A.M. That is late for this household. I am the type that is starving the second I get up.  Most Sundays, the family breakfast will usually become  a second breakfast for me.  In the past we did try breakfast first thing at like 7:00 AM, but this has become increasingly difficult.  Different sleeping habits, schedules, moods, you name it.  Never were we all on the same page. Although I think this time slot works better than before,  I have not figured out how to avoid the "I am dying of starvation...." comments. My "have a banana" response does not go over too well. :)
The menu. 
Sunday breakfast is usually pancakes, french toast, something carb-y (you can't go wrong with kids and carbs). On occasion I'll throw in some sort of quiche (usually gets the eye-roll response), or maybe an apple crisp ( opposite response). All in all, despite the occasional complaints about the breakfast choice for that day, it  must be a pretty good tradition because I get some genuine disappointment when I do not pull out the breakfast griddle. sigh. Doing something right.
This past Sunday's choice is always a winner.

 Pumpkin pancakes.

For the kids contribution to today's post, I asked them to blog their perspective on Sunday breakfast.

Here is Corbin's view:
"Family breakfeast is when we eat breakfeast together.We talk about different stuff every breakfeast. I some times have to share a box of orange juice with Devyn. We have this book that has anything that my family is looking forward to or what my family is thankful for. After my family is done eating breakfeast my mom somtimes makes me clean up the table."

Here is Devyn's take:
(she is the one that gets the most interrupted beauty sleep on Sunday mornings)
"Hey I guess family breakfast is ok, but not when I'm super tired. Every Sunday morning I get dragged out of bed so we can eat as a family. Sometimes the food is good but sometimes it is weird. My favorite Sunday breakfast dish is called Pink Pancakes and they are so good. They are made with beets and I know it sounds weird but it's surprisingly yummy! We talk about a number of things. Like what are we going to do today, the weather, any news the family has to share, and sometimes we don't really talk about anything. We have a family book, We say either what we look forward to in the day of what we are thankful for. It's a great thing to do it really brings our family closer together."

Landon weighed in too, giving his perspective on what happens in this house around 10:00 AM.:
 (Some of his response will only make sense to this household, but I am trying to keep this as authentic as possible, so I typed exactly what he said to me):
My question, "What do we do at family breakfast?"
"I ate some pancakes. I brush my teeth before wii. Sometimes after wii, I watch some tv, then I eat lunch. and then I empty out the trash cans when I have a list. I love the pumpkin ones, and the chocolate chip, and the blueberry ones. I love all of them."

The recipe:

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Pancakes 
2 ½ c whole wheat pastry flour
1 T flaxseed meal
2T baking powder
1t salt
2t cinnamon
½ t ginger
2 eggs
2 cups milk of choice (I used almond milk)
¼ c canola oil (or really step up the health factor and use coconut oil)
1 c canned pumpkin 

3 tablespoons agave nectar (or 4 tablespoons honey)

In a large bowl combine flour, flaxseed meal, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and ginger. In a medium size bowl combine eggs, milk, canola oil, canned pumpkin, and agave. Mix well. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and fold to combine. 

Cook pancakes on a hot griddle. 

These will puff out nicely because of the pastry flour. Very cake-like.

 Family approved.

These pancakes do freeze well if you would like to keep some in a freezer bag for those rushed mornings. Or if you are like me and can have breakfast foods any time of day, scratch the mornings and use as an afternoon snack. 


  1. Can you share the Pink Pancake recipe??? :-)

  2. Yes, I will post it sometime within the next week! Thanks for your interest, Devyn was psyched!

  3. I loved reading about your breakfast, Landon, Corbin, and Devyn! And these pancakes look soooo yummy!

    Matante Michelle
