Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Green Smoothie Taste Test

I am making Green Smoothies with Landon's preschool in a couple of weeks. Sort of a good way to combine health, learning, and a little St. Patrick's Day celebrating. The problem. With twelve- 4 year olds, you are bound to get some pickiness. I wanted a way to be sure I brought along a winning recipe. 
The Green Smoothie Taste Test. 
Green smoothies make an appearance in this house quite a bit. Unfortunately, we all have different ideas about what makes a good green smoothie. I like mine banana based and creamy, the kids like a more citrus-y punch to their smoothie. 

My solution:
  1. Make two different Green Smoothies for the crew (without them seeing the ingredients)
  2. Pour in marked cups labeled "1" and "2"
  3. Have them try each 
  4. Have them vote (but in top secret)
  5. Use the smoothie recipe that got the most votes (amazing science, I know)

Here are all of the ingredients that I used for both smoothies. Note: cups and marker in the back for top secret labeling. That way there could be no green-smoothie-bias.

Let the games begin:

He goes left.
He goes right.

She goes center.

Casting her vote. No peeking.

I always joke that Landon will eat or drink pretty much anything short of a hub cap.

This is the one.

Still unsure.

Our super top secret voting box.

Winner revealed:

Smoothie recipe #1! 

Here is the recipe that I will be blasting out at Tiny Toes on March 16th. 
It's super vibrant green too, just in time for St. Patrick's Day.

Super Basic Green Smoothie 
(for those that fear spinach)

  • 4 cups organic spinach
  • 1 1/2 cups orange juice
  • 1 banana
  • 2 cups frozen peaches (or frozen pineapple)
Blend until smooth. This makes about 2 large glasses.

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