Saturday, October 26, 2013

20 Beauty and fashion tips by Devyn!

1. Always wash your face once a day, everyday

2. take a shower everyday but only wash your hair every other day (use a shower cap when you are taking a shower but not washing your hair)

3. Always keep nail polish on your nails. it helps to strengthen them. If you can't wear nail polish for whatever reason, use clear nail polish.

4. Never brush your hair after the shower. Use a comb or your fingers to get the knots out.

5. After you shave put coconut oil on your legs. It will help soften and moisturize your legs.

6. After you wash your face, but a thin layer of coconut oil on your face. The coconut oil will moisturize it.

7. Never wear black and brown in the same outfit.

8. Never wear skinny jeans and sneakers together.

9. Never wear shorts, a skirt, or a dress if you have not shaved.

10. Always do your makeup in natural light.

11. Always apply heat protector before using something hot on your hair.

12. Always check the weather outside before getting dressed.

13. Brush your teeth in the morning and night. Also floss at night.

14. To get whiter teeth put tooth paste on your toothbrush and then sprinkle baking soda on the tooth paste. Do this trick whenever desired.

15. Try to limit the amount of heat you use on your hair.
16. Always wax your eyebrows. Never pluck them.

17. Try to limit touching your face to not a lot, to never. The oil on your fingers can create pimples.

18. Make sure you dress age appropriate.

19. Always apply deodorant to your underarms, you don't want to stink!

20. Never wear high heels that you can't walk in. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Camping trip by Devyn!

This past weekend my dad, Corbin, Landon, and I went camping in North Carolina. The camping trip was through our church and it was just dads and their kids. I have never been camping before and it was really fun. On Friday we woke up and started to drive to the campground at 7:30 am. It was 5 hours away but we made a few stops on the way so we got there at 2:30. First we put up our tent and went down by the river to climb on the rocks. At 7:30 we had dinner which was pulled pork sandwiches, mac n cheese, rice, and green beans. It was really good and I was really hungry. We heard a noise in the woods and it was a bear. They scared it away with an air horn. Then at 8:30 we all sat around the camp fire and roasted marshmallows and sang worship music. After we went to sleep and I woke up 3 times because I heared the air horn. I guess that a bear tried to got in the campground.

The next day I woke up and got dressed. Then we ate breakfast and it was like an egg, bacon, and hash brown mixture underneath a biscuit. There were grits on the side that were pretty gross. We were pretty much free for the rest of the day so we went to a place called Linville Caverns. We went on a tour through the mountains and we got to see the mountains growing and what they looked like inside. It was really interesting and fun to see. We drove back to the camp ground and just hung out until dinner. Again at 7:30 we had cheeseburgers and fries. The french fries were truly AMAZING! Then we did what we did last night and listened to worship music. At night the air horn went off only once but it was early.

Sunday was our last day. For breakfast we had an omelet that we cooked in a bag. They had plastic zip lock bags that we filled with eggs, bacon, and potato. Then we cooked them in a pot. They were soooooo good! After we packed up everything and hit the road. Everyone was really hungry so we stopped at Subway and got lunch. We then drove for about an hour more only to stop at Hardees and get milkshakes. They we really good.  From then on we drove the rest of the way home. We still had about 3 more hours left. When we got home we saw my mom and I was super tired. I really like camping and would totally go back!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fashion Camp By Devyn!

Hey everyone! On Monday I did a fashion camp! It was so much fun and I learned a lot of things. It was at Towne Center which is like this big shopping plaza with a ton of stores. Now I will list all the stores we went to and what we did and what I learned!

1 Ulta: We got mini makeovers and learned how to apply make up correctly. Then we learned about what colors of nail polish go with which season. Last but not least we learned about hair care.

2 Teal: At teal we got to dress our own manicans! That was really fun to do!

3 Francesca's: Here we got to look at different patterns and say what they were. Also we got to find different styles of clothing.

4 Burton's Grill: This is a restaurant and we ate lunch here. We learned table manners and how to act while eating out.

5 Versona Accessories: This is my new favorite store. At Versona they picked out an outfit for us to accessorize, then we accessorized what we were wearing, then we picked out our own outfit and accessories.

6 Belk: Lastly we went to Belk and talked about shoes. They gave us an event and we had to pick out the appropriate kind of shoe that we would were.

At this camp they gave me a 25 dollar gift card to Towne Center, which I already spent at Versona. They also gave me a ton of coupons and discounts. My favorite thing probably was the I heart to shop tee shirt that they also gave me. It was a lot of fun and I am definitely going to do it next year!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A powerpoint by Devyn!

Hey everyone! I haven't posted a video in a while, but I am now! I decided to do a PowerPoint on the complete shopping guide! Now this isn't a real thing I just made it up, but I hope you like it anyway. Now to go from slide to slide you have to click the button that you would normally click to look at anything or do anything.

C:\Users\Corbin\Desktop\The Complete Shopping Guide.ppt

Friday, November 23, 2012


Yesterday was the most unusual thanksgiving ever. So we all woke up at like 5:30 and got ready in our nice clothes. Then we drove to a gas station and got cappuccinos. Next we made our way down to a place called the Dream Center, which is run by our church. My family and I were going to cut desserts for the lunches that the other people were making. The goal was to make lunch's of Turkey, mash potatoes, green beans, and all the Thanksgiving fix ins and deliver the meals to people around the area who were less fortune it. I have never seen so many pumpkin pies in my entire life! There were probably 20 pumpkin pies And that's not all! There were cupcakes, muffins, donuts, cakes, pies, cookies, breads, and tons of other stuff! I didn't eat anything. We cut the desserts for like 2 and a half hours straight. It was very fun, but finally it was time to leave.

We drove around for a long, long time looking for a place to eat. Finally we settled at Ihop. Or as Landon says ihope. We waited forever for our food, and people were getting grumpy. The food came what seemed like hours later. I had mac-n-cheese, and fruit salad at 11 in the morning on Thanksgiving. Next we played a game called "Spot It." Everyone has 1 card. In the middle of the group there is a card face down. One person flipped the card over and you have to find something that is the same on your card as on the middle card. The first person to call out what is the same gets to keep that card. It was really embarrassing, because my family can get very loud with games, and people were looking at us.

Then we drove for four minutes to a movie theater. We bought 5 tickets to see Wreck-it-Ralph. Then we waited in line to by popcorn and soda. My mom got a large refillable sprite and a large refillable popcorn for all of s to share. The movie was reeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyy really good! I would go see it again and again. It made me laugh so hard, even my mom and dad laughed! I would recommend it for the whole family. I had so much soda that I went to the bathroom 3 times, and I never go to the bathroom during movies. After the movie we drove the 12 miles back home.

When we got home I ate a mini pumpkin pie. Then my mom made me work on school work! Give me a break! I finished it, and then she dragged me on a bike ride with her. On our travels we saw 2 alligators! Some one in our neighborhood was deep frying a Turkey and it smelt oh so very good, I was about to die! Right when we got back my mom made brussel sprouts and Turkey-less Turkey with gravy. She also had made a pumpkin rice thing. We all ate and said what we were thankful for. After we ate i took a shower, then I played Mario kart on the Wii. I got 5 place! Then my brother and I watched a special Thanksgiving Good Luck Charlie.

It was a weird and unusual Thanksgiving, but I liked it. It was very fun and different!

By: Devyn Jackson

Friday, November 2, 2012

short story time!

This is a short story by Devyn Jackson! Enjoy...
The secret of the fairies

      Once there was a magical wizard that lived deep in the forest. His name was Dr. Hubbles, and he was 349 years old. Dr. Hubbles was the oldest in the village, he had been around the longest. The catch with Mr. Hubbles, was that he could not be trusted. He knew every trick and spell in the book that you never know what we will conjure up next! 
      One fine July day, Grace, the kings daughter, was picking lilacs by the wizard's tiny cottage.
"Oh my! These lilacs are just lovely. I think I'll pick some blue ones for mother." Suddenly she saw a green puff of smoke come from Dr. Hubbles back door. "Dr. Hubbles? What ever are you doing" Grace called from the window. The wizard replied, "Grace, my fine lady. How do you do?" "Very fine thank you. I... couldn't help but notice that green smoke coming out of your window. What is that all about?" The princess asked. "Well, you see... um... well, I'm trying to figure out the secret of the fairies." Dr. Hubbles said. "But Dr. Hubbles, know one has ever figured out the secret of the fairies, ever!" " Grace, why don't you come back to my cottage tomorrow, and i will have tell the you secret of the fairies. I promise." That was Dr. Hubbles, and he always keeps his promises.
      It was the next day, and Grace was at Dr. Hubbles cottage. "Excuse me. May I come in?" "Why of, course! Are you ready to find out the secret of the fairies, princess?" The wizard asked. Grace replied, "yes, yes! Yes I am ready. Tell me!"
      "You are a fairy! That is the secret of the fairies! Now you know, don't use your powers for bad, be careful with your fairy dust. Best wishes!"
                                                                                                  By: Devyn Jackson

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sewing Camp!!!!

Last week I went to a sewing camp in old mount pleasant, SC. It was Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 3:00. There were 6 girls including me. The girl that taught the camp had sewing machines for each of us. We made super cool things, and it was super fun and easy. I met this girl there, her name is Gracelyn Ely. She is going into the 7th grade, and she goes to Cario middle school. I do too! She has a sister named Sheldyn and she is going into the 3rd grade at Pinkney Elementary School, that is where Corbin goes. Gracelyn and I have tons in common with each other. I loved sewing camp!