Monday, June 24, 2013

Camping trip by Devyn!

This past weekend my dad, Corbin, Landon, and I went camping in North Carolina. The camping trip was through our church and it was just dads and their kids. I have never been camping before and it was really fun. On Friday we woke up and started to drive to the campground at 7:30 am. It was 5 hours away but we made a few stops on the way so we got there at 2:30. First we put up our tent and went down by the river to climb on the rocks. At 7:30 we had dinner which was pulled pork sandwiches, mac n cheese, rice, and green beans. It was really good and I was really hungry. We heard a noise in the woods and it was a bear. They scared it away with an air horn. Then at 8:30 we all sat around the camp fire and roasted marshmallows and sang worship music. After we went to sleep and I woke up 3 times because I heared the air horn. I guess that a bear tried to got in the campground.

The next day I woke up and got dressed. Then we ate breakfast and it was like an egg, bacon, and hash brown mixture underneath a biscuit. There were grits on the side that were pretty gross. We were pretty much free for the rest of the day so we went to a place called Linville Caverns. We went on a tour through the mountains and we got to see the mountains growing and what they looked like inside. It was really interesting and fun to see. We drove back to the camp ground and just hung out until dinner. Again at 7:30 we had cheeseburgers and fries. The french fries were truly AMAZING! Then we did what we did last night and listened to worship music. At night the air horn went off only once but it was early.

Sunday was our last day. For breakfast we had an omelet that we cooked in a bag. They had plastic zip lock bags that we filled with eggs, bacon, and potato. Then we cooked them in a pot. They were soooooo good! After we packed up everything and hit the road. Everyone was really hungry so we stopped at Subway and got lunch. We then drove for about an hour more only to stop at Hardees and get milkshakes. They we really good.  From then on we drove the rest of the way home. We still had about 3 more hours left. When we got home we saw my mom and I was super tired. I really like camping and would totally go back!

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