Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Out like a lion...Animal Kingdom day through Devyn's eyes

Devyn’s blog of day two
At 8:15 we went to Animal Kingdom.  The first thing we did was see a show.  The show was called It’s Tough to be a Bug.  It was in 4-D.  4-D is in 3-D with special effects.  The show was really cool.  All of the babies were crying so they went outside.  Next we went on a safari ride.  My favorite animal we saw was an okapi. An okapi is part zebra and part giraffe.  After that we saw two gorillas.  One of the gorillas came up close to the glass.  It was so close that my memere got a picture of it’s butt.  Everyone was really hungry so we got something to eat.  I had a cheeseburger.  When everyone was full we went on a roller coaster.  It was scary at first, but once it was over I wanted to go again, but I didn’t. It was 199.5 feet tall.  The only bad thing about it was that we had to wait an hour in line. It was in a mountain.  After we went on a water ride.  It was called the Kali Water Rapids.  I got so wet.  It started to rain so we took cover in a dino gift shop.  I got a necklace with a mickey mouse charm on it.  When the storm ended we went home. We had pasta for dinner . Then I watched t.v. and went to bed. 

Devyn and her Matante Sam on our safari ride through faux Africa

A few other pictures from our day....
Corbin's caterpillar pal that tagged along with us for a little while. This little guy was the key to slowing Corbin down.  Corbin was always 200 yards ahead, while we were trapped amongst a sea of strollers. 

                                                                 My Mother and Landon. 

Hard to see, but there is a gorilla back there.

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