Thursday, April 14, 2011

Orlando trip: An interview with a 3 year old

So our third day rained which actually worked ok. We had a few little errands to do. Errands? In Orlando? What could we possibly have to do for errands you ask? Last year we stumbled upon this massive M&M store at the Orlando Mall. Totally fun with large M&M dispensers along the wall. Dentist's nightmare. Anyhow, Devyn was asking before we had even left Maine if we could go to the mall again. Of course I said "no, we are not going to a mall again on vacation. Last year was a fluke thing, Devyn." Well, we wound up back at the mall. And then the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney that night.

Here is my Q and A with Landon on this rainy “catch up” day. I wrote his exact response, so yes, it is grammatically incorrect.
Me= Green Landon= Black
About his morning...
What did you do when you first woke up?
I did get dressed. 
What did you have for breakfast?
Cheerios was my breakfast. I had breakfast at the condo. I had my vitamins, and I had milk. thats it!
What did you do after breakfast?
I went to three stores. I went to 1, 2, 3. I went to the store with my dad and the store and the lady made a sandwich. It was for me. 
Then I ate lunch and take a nap. Now we are going to the M&M store.
What color M&M’s will you get?
Red, strawberry, chocolate, and blueberry. And we are going to have.....and thats it. Oh yeah, we are going to have....pineapple.
Pineapple M&M’s?
and Blackberry...
and thats it...
After the mall...
What did you see at the mall?
I saw M&M’s and I saw numbers.
After Downtown Disney and Rainforest cafe...
What did we do at Rainforest cafe?
We saw thunder. Elephants, butterflies. There was a butterfly. Fruit. And some more fruit. 
Anything else?
Two animals left. Parrot and another parrot
What did you eat?
I eat chips. Crusty things that I ate. And I drank a slushy. 
What do you do after?
I got an umbrella as a souvenir.
Anything else that we did at Downtown Disney?
I saw a bathroom there. 
I got cotton candy. and Corbin got cotton candy. Then Sam, and you and Devyn got ice cream. 
Is that all that happened?
Yup. thats it.

Waiting for food at The Rainforest Cafe 

 Patrons did not need the half hour rainstorm show for their entertainment. Here is Corbin doing his robot dance.

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