Sunday, April 17, 2011


So you can't go on a trip without SOMEONE getting sick. Inevitable. That someone threw up three times the night before SeaWorld. Any guesses??? Little Landon. Yes, three times his little body popped into our room. Poor babes. Needless to say, I did not sleep much that night. The next morning he seemed fine but I opted to stay back at the condo with him instead of trekking to Sea World with the rest of the crew. The last thing this kid needed was a day cruising around a park in the heat. I seriously hated to miss SeaWorld. It is definitely one of my top parks. I seriously love the sea creatures. But, I have a love/hate relationship with the sharks. Fascinating yes, but who can really forget Jaws 3 where Jaws swims busts through that underwater tube/walkway thing and all of the SeaWorld people were freaking out? Remember that?Anyhow, the kids went for the day with my parents, Keith and Sam, and sat in the soak zone for any show that they could. Fun. We did manage to have a pretty chill day. Landon had a three hour nap, recovered perfectly, so Kyle and I took him to the pool for an hour. Rounded up the day with Starbucks caramel frappuccinos. mmmm

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