Friday, April 15, 2011

Magic Kingdom

Never an easy in or out, but definitely worth the effort and exhaustion. We began our day with a plan and a mission. You kind of have to at Disney, or the day gets away from you and you wind up logging some serious time in line. We decided to make sure that we always had a Fast Pass in hand. If you are not familiar, a Fast Pass is a ticket  available on select rides. When you have this ticket it allows you to get in the “fast lane” (you still have to wait, but the only difference is that you don't lose feeling in your feet) . In other words, the Fast Pass lane allows you to get on the ride in a fraction of the time of the regular line. 
As soon as we had come into the park, we got the typical picture in the front of the "Mickey Lawn" for my mother (her thing) and then Kyle and my father shot ahead to go get our first Fast Pass. They did not wait for us. I was totally okay with this. No more waiting for each other. If we did, I swear we would never have left Main St. After Animal Kingdom a couple of days prior, we were all set with waiting-politely-for-people-to-go-to-the-bathroom and just let them shoot ahead. As always, it was packed, but even with strollers we did a pretty good job getting through the park. Really, when is Disney not packed? A lot of walking, proud to say that my choice of flip flops was a good one. You never know with that sort of thing.  
Kids did great. No huge meltdowns, although I almost had a few tantrums/panic attacks trying to look for an iced coffee or some sort of mocha frothy caffeine-y thing. Not sure why Disney does not market this better? That has always been my one small issue with Disney. Really, how many frozen chocolate covered-banana carts do they need?  Surely I can't be the only one desperately looking? I did eventually find a place near the Tea Cups. Ironically, the ride that I avoid.  I wanted to hop over the counter and hug the poor guy. 
Overall, a great day. 
We got to do a handful of rides including the President’s Hall (for Corbin, my Presidential trivia nut). Regarding this show: I am officially a grown up. I remember being so bored with the Disney President’s Show when I was younger. Now? Thoroughly impressed. Devyn was all about Space Mountain. Corbin, Splash mountain. I forced a reluctant Landon on Splash Mountain but he was pretty psyched once he was on. 
One small disappointment in the Haunted Mansion: Why did they take out the spooky ghost mirrors at the end? Not a big deal, just wondering...
The day was complete with the final parade. We were in a great spot right near the exit. We got “spoken to” at a few times for blocking the trash cans, but hey, the Parade Patrol was just doing their job right? That parade is seriously the best way to end the day. Something about the dark of the night, the lights on the floats. Perfect.
By the end of our tram ride back to our lot we were all filthy, smelled like amusement park and ready.  Kids were asleep before we had even hit the road. We did manage to find a quaint wine bistro on the way home, 7-Eleven, that had the best wine and chips for purchase. Great night cap. One thing...where the heck have all of the Disney characters gone?? No sightings all day, other than the parade....

Kyle and Corbin- Thunder Mountain

1 comment:

  1. There now it's coming up..again I love this blog..again it should be made into a book....keep it up Kerrie...could you e-mail the picture of Sam and it...until next time
