Saturday, January 8, 2011

Questions posed by Kyle, answered by Mama

My favorite place to spend quality time with my family is ??? doing ???
away from home- the annual family trip. It doesn't matter the location as long as it is warm...
Something about the sun, going to dinner, ice cream by the pool, slowing down...
home- family meals. although it doesn't happen as often as it should, and 99% of the time people do not sit still or hate the food, it is nice to have a routine that the kids can count on. Love our “something we did today journal”.

I can't wait to ??? when I am in florida this year.
float in the lazy river
 If I could instantly be great at two things I would want to be great at ??? and ???.
being patient
??? always makes me smile no matter what mood I am in.
watching the Wedding Singer or pretty much any Adam Sandler movie

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