Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kyle's week to come up with a blog idea....

So it was my turn to come up with a blog was not as easy as I thought it would be.  After all, this blog may be read by millions of people someday...that is a lot of pressure to come up with some earth shattering topic that will have people glued to their computer monitors.  With all the pressure I naturally procrastinated until the last minute and decided to go with a "fill in the blank" format.  I wrote four statements with one or two blanks in each for the family to here they are along with my entries:

1. My favorite place to spend quality time with my family is ____, doing _____.

The pool and water slide at Regal Palms in Florida swimming, sliding and laughing.

2. I can't wait to ____when I am in Florida this year

See above (I wrote the questions before I thought of the answers)

3. If I could be instantly great at two things, I would want to be great at _____ and _____.

break dancing and speaking Spanish

4. _____ always makes me smile no matter what mood I am in.

watching "The Office"

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