Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bucket list and goals for 2011

So leave it to my mother to start bucket lists with my kids. I had gone into a doctor's appointment while my mother sat with the three kids in the car. I was gone a mere 20 minutes and came back to two full lists of things my children want to do before they die. I have never made a bucket list..or have seen the movie. Nothing that would have ever occurred to me but after hearing my kids' lists, it made me think this might be a good way to reflect and prioritize. 
Family assignment?? 
I asked the kids to write out (and narrow down) their bucket list and also to add 3 attainable goals for 2011.

Bucket List for Mama (some what fantasy)

  • do a rock and roll marathon (even if its walking...I do not care about Boston, I want to hear music at every mile)
  • live in another country with my family for 1 year (not thinking the kids will go for this one, but hey I can dream
  • learn another language (see number 2)
  • go away on a yoga/feel good retreat (for like a month) 
  • swim with manatees 

goals for this 2011:

  • put pictures in frames or albums
  • have friends over for dinner once a month
  • paint the downstairs hallway

1 comment:

  1. I like both goals for 2011, and the Bucket List. Which country or region would you like to go to? Maybe Kyle can find a one-year contract somewhere. :)

