Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3 jobs that I would do, other than being a mama

1) I would LOVE to be a fitness/nutritionist coach to unhealthy families and kids. An "all around coach" that would grocery shop with them so I could teach about nutrients, lead them in fitness instruction, force them to "ommmm" in yoga to balance their mental health...a dream job

2) To work for a school department and float from class to class instructing on important nutrients in foods. Not just "calcium is good for your bones..." I am talking a step by step explanation (on a kids' level) on how pumpkin "mush" provides vitamin A for different body parts and its' effects. I would love to provide the hands on learning required for kids to "want" to eat healthy. Whether that requires having kids blend and try green smoothies or reading and deciphering labels, I want it to be hip to be healthy. Yet another dream job that doesn't exist in this area. See a trend forming??

3) Anything in the entertainment industry. how fun :)....

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