Thursday, October 13, 2011

Devyn-....why I hate weekly morning lists

I hate mornings! My mom had us make list to keep us on track in the morning before school. I thought  that it would be easy but it is not. I have to wake up extremely early every day to get my list done and I still dont get it done. I never have time to do my hair because it is the last thing on my list. I never even complete the list so im forced to do my hair in the car on the way to school! I hate cleaning my room on saturdays, but my mom said to put on the list 5 minute room rescue. Thats what she calls picking up your room so you don't have much to do on saturdays, but it never works. I can't stand weekly morning list!

1 comment:

  1. hhhmm.. Well, Devyn, I sure can tell that you hate morning lists. Loud and clear! I also hate picking up my room. I will tell you, though, that after years of practice, I am much faster at it now, so I can do other fun things. Love, Matante Michelle
