Saturday, October 22, 2011

3 Lonely-Avocados-Pie

Oh what to do with those lonely avocados.

feeling isolated
They have sat on my table for too long. Not past their prime, but pretty darn close. I had good intentions.  Nachos with guacamole was the initial idea, but with all of the yummy CSA share stuff I am receiving, the nacho meal never happened. Have to stick with the seasonal veggies while I have them!
Because I never waste produce,  I had to use them.  I am all about desserts for the kids after school, so I figured I should probably incorporate these avocados somehow....
Then I remembered the "healthier" creamy, dreamy, chocolate mousse that I have made a couple of times. This dessert is so downright  good, you will not even notice the avocado. AT ALL. Avocado is actually a lot more versatile than people realize. It can be used in many baked goods as an excellent substitute for butter. I still get amazed when people get scared of the fat content. Loads of  mono-unsaturated fats. Translation: the good fats, the ones that can lower your cholesterol.
Back to the pie. I thought about just calling this pie " Healthier Chocolate Mousse". Yawn. It is now called 3-Lonely-Avocados Pie.
Best part about this recipe? 5 ingredients.
  • 3 lonely avocados
  • 4 medjool dates
  • 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1 bag of Ghiradelli DARK chocolate chips
  • whole grain pie crust (store-bought, who has the time??)
Step 1: Dust off your food processor.
Step 2: Pile the first 4 ingredients into the bowl of your processor.

Scoop out your creamy base

Medjool dates- For anyone wondering what the heck a medjool date is. Just cut into small pieces and be sure to toss the inner seed. (This has been called "nature's candy". For sure a staple item in this household.)

The package....These are from Trader Joes. Any grocery store will have these. Check the produce section first. If not, check the nuts, seeds, and dried fruit area.

I use raw honey because it has more antioxidants. Get what you can. Any other honey is fine.

Ghiradelli. Get the dark chocolate.
Step 3: Blend/ chop/ process the heck out of it until it is an ultra-smooth pudding like consistency. Make sure that you stop your food processor every so often to scrape down the sides.
Step 4: Smooth it out onto your pie plate.

Love this crust. Whole grain. No hydrogenated stuff. Whole Foods has these or check your health food section at your grocery store.

creamy heaven
Step 5: Chill in the refrigerator for 2+ hours so that it will firm up.
Slice it up. Enjoy.
If you want to up the health factor even more, you can sprinkle some chia seeds and a few gogi berries on the top before you refrigerate.

Optional sprinkling of chia seeds and gogi berries. Love this combo.

Soooo thick and decadent.

This is not going to last long in this household. Hopefully fights do not break out.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I am going to try this for sure. And I love Medjool Dates. They're like candy they're so good.
