Saturday, October 22, 2011

3 Lonely-Avocados-Pie

Oh what to do with those lonely avocados.

feeling isolated
They have sat on my table for too long. Not past their prime, but pretty darn close. I had good intentions.  Nachos with guacamole was the initial idea, but with all of the yummy CSA share stuff I am receiving, the nacho meal never happened. Have to stick with the seasonal veggies while I have them!
Because I never waste produce,  I had to use them.  I am all about desserts for the kids after school, so I figured I should probably incorporate these avocados somehow....
Then I remembered the "healthier" creamy, dreamy, chocolate mousse that I have made a couple of times. This dessert is so downright  good, you will not even notice the avocado. AT ALL. Avocado is actually a lot more versatile than people realize. It can be used in many baked goods as an excellent substitute for butter. I still get amazed when people get scared of the fat content. Loads of  mono-unsaturated fats. Translation: the good fats, the ones that can lower your cholesterol.
Back to the pie. I thought about just calling this pie " Healthier Chocolate Mousse". Yawn. It is now called 3-Lonely-Avocados Pie.
Best part about this recipe? 5 ingredients.
  • 3 lonely avocados
  • 4 medjool dates
  • 1/4 cup raw honey
  • 1 bag of Ghiradelli DARK chocolate chips
  • whole grain pie crust (store-bought, who has the time??)
Step 1: Dust off your food processor.
Step 2: Pile the first 4 ingredients into the bowl of your processor.

Scoop out your creamy base

Medjool dates- For anyone wondering what the heck a medjool date is. Just cut into small pieces and be sure to toss the inner seed. (This has been called "nature's candy". For sure a staple item in this household.)

The package....These are from Trader Joes. Any grocery store will have these. Check the produce section first. If not, check the nuts, seeds, and dried fruit area.

I use raw honey because it has more antioxidants. Get what you can. Any other honey is fine.

Ghiradelli. Get the dark chocolate.
Step 3: Blend/ chop/ process the heck out of it until it is an ultra-smooth pudding like consistency. Make sure that you stop your food processor every so often to scrape down the sides.
Step 4: Smooth it out onto your pie plate.

Love this crust. Whole grain. No hydrogenated stuff. Whole Foods has these or check your health food section at your grocery store.

creamy heaven
Step 5: Chill in the refrigerator for 2+ hours so that it will firm up.
Slice it up. Enjoy.
If you want to up the health factor even more, you can sprinkle some chia seeds and a few gogi berries on the top before you refrigerate.

Optional sprinkling of chia seeds and gogi berries. Love this combo.

Soooo thick and decadent.

This is not going to last long in this household. Hopefully fights do not break out.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My favorite smoothie and my least favorite smoothie

My mom made us be the guinea pigs of 25 smoothies for a cook book she was making for the kid zone at the Dempsey Challenge. Here are some of my opinions.

I love smoothies but some of them I hate. My least favorite smoothie is called banana carrot smoothie(recipe to follow) I hated the texture. It felt so weird and gross on my tongue. I thought I was going to get sick. It wasn't just the texture, it was also the taste. It tasted like someone ate a carrot and then puked it up. It looked like carrot mush. Sorry mom!
1 frozen banana
1 cup of apple juice
1-2 cups baby carrots or chopped carrots
1 cup Greek yogurt (or any yogurt you like)

My favorite smoothie is called orange creamsicle smoothie. (recipe to follow) It was to die for (as my memere would say) It felt like heaven on earth. No lie! I loooooooooooved it! The texture was so creamy and smooth. I loved the color. It was like an orangey peachy color. I loved everything that was in it. Thanks mom!
2 cups vanilla nonfat yogurt
2 cups orange juice
4 cups frozen mango chunks
2 tsp vanilla
- Devyn

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkins need lovin year round

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins

So I am a pumpkin freak. Seriously...I put it in everything. Chili, oatmeal, pancakes, cookies, even spaghetti sauce. I definitely do not think of pumpkin as an exclusive fall veggie. Super packed with Vitamin A and beta carotene, this can of goodness is well worth the couple of dollars. This post is dedicated to Whole Wheat Pumpkin Applesauce Muffins, although I foresee many pumpkin recipes in the future. I am that narrow-minded. ♥
Lets begin by breaking down the title.
  • “Whole Wheat”. Whole wheat=whole grain. More vitamins, more fiber. More bang for your buck. Great starting point right there.
  • “Pumpkin”. Yes, it is an excellent source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, but did you know about the fiber content in pumpkin? Take a look at the back of your pumpkin can’s label. You might be pleasantly surprised. grams per 1/2 cup serving. This is the real kind. Not the fake fiber crap that is infused in Fiber One yogurt .
  • “Applesauce”. You just know with that ingredient right there that these muffins are screaming moisture. Yum....
Before getting started:
  • Make sure that you buy pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling. Pumpkin pie filling has lots of extra sugar that is not needed. These will be sweet enough with the brown sugar and you will be adding your own spices...
  • The Applesauce- applesauce is applesauce right? WRONG. Chances are that if you buy a jar that just reads “applesauce” you are probably buying applesauce with high fructose corn syrup. Yuckers. In case you have been living under a rock (no offense, I am sure it is a very comfortable rock), CORN SYRUP IS EVIL.  When purchasing applesauce make sure it says “unsweetened applesauce”. Your body will not know the difference and will reap the health benefits
  • You will notice that I have walnuts as optional. I hope that you decide to keep these in the recipe. Walnuts have amazing health benefits. They are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, a super source of plant-based protein, an appetite suppressant, a stress reliever. The list could go on and on. I realize that many do not like nuts in their baked goods, I get it...its a texture thing. I know that my older son would freak if there were large chunks of walnuts in his muffins. My solution. I have a 4 cup mini food processor and I pulse those babies to a grainy powder in seconds. Blends in beautifully. No mini processor? You could also use a coffee grinder or your rolling-pin to break up large chunks. The consistency will not be quite as fine with a rolling-pin, but it would still help with the texture problems. Well worth the extra 15 seconds to throw those in to the recipe. Seriously amazing health benefits. Take the time.
Whole Wheat Pumpkin- Applesauce Muffins
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
2/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 canola oil
3/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 
1/2 cup canned Pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling...)
1/3 cup milk of choice (any milk will work. I used vanilla soy milk, but you could use coconut, almond, etc. )
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup ground walnuts (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 400. Use 12 paper muffin liners or spray your pan with non-stick spray.
  2. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, pumpkin pie spice, and walnuts if you decide to use them. In another bowl, combine the brown sugar, oil, applesauce, pumpkin milk, and eggs. Mix well. Fold the pumpkin mixture into the dry ingredients. Stir until combined.
  3. Divide evenly into muffin pan. Bake 15-18 minutes or until the tops are lightly browned. Cool the muffin pan on a wire rack for 5 minutes before serving.
I heart pumpkin anything.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Devyn-....why I hate weekly morning lists

I hate mornings! My mom had us make list to keep us on track in the morning before school. I thought  that it would be easy but it is not. I have to wake up extremely early every day to get my list done and I still dont get it done. I never have time to do my hair because it is the last thing on my list. I never even complete the list so im forced to do my hair in the car on the way to school! I hate cleaning my room on saturdays, but my mom said to put on the list 5 minute room rescue. Thats what she calls picking up your room so you don't have much to do on saturdays, but it never works. I can't stand weekly morning list!