Sunday, February 27, 2011

25 things you may not know about me (Landon)

1) I was born at 37 weeks (not by choice)
2) I hum while I put puzzles together
3) I am gentle with animals (without my parents telling me to)
4) I sleep with slippers on
5) Tom & Jerry is my show
6) My favorite color is green
7) I can dribble a basketball and have been doing it since I was 2.
8) I can dribble it behind my back and catch it on the other side.
9) My middle name is Chance.
10) I do not have my tonsils.
11) When I am trying not to laugh, I can't help but do a sideways smile
12) I am the oldest in my gymnastics class
13) I spend my allowance money on gumballs at the Auburn mall
14) I love black olives
15) I was on the front page of the newspaper last month for cross country skiing
16) Super Mario Wii puts me in my happy place.
17) I ask for milk when I am tired
18) I am very particular about the order of my blankets when I am being tucked in
19) I sing Bruno Mars a lot, but sometimes dabble in Kesha
20) Corbin is my idol
21) My favorite game is Space Bingo but do enjoy handing out the property cards in Monopoly
22) I was potty trained in one weekend, but have been "squirting" for over a year....just a dribble to drive my mom crazy and keep her on her toes
23) I drink a V-8 a day
24) I am a regular at Trader Joe's
25) I hate it when strangers comment on my curls and have been known to say inappropriate things in response.

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