Sunday, February 27, 2011

25 things about Devyn

1 I was born in Califonia
2 I love Oxi-clean commercials
3 I wish my room was pink and green
4 My favorite book is Palace of Mirrors
5 My favorite movie is Despicable Me
6 My favorite stores in the mall are Claire's and Justice
7 My favorite shirt is yellow
8 I hate chapter 11 commercials
9 I love black olives
10 I hate cleaning my room
11 I want to be a singer when I grow up
12 My favorite game is Apples to Apples
13 I love going through the car wash
14 It's my dream to go to Italy
15 I love to draw
16 I love macoroni and cheese
17 I've been cheering for 7 years
18 I write with my right hand
19 I love Butterfinger
20 I really wish I had a cell phone
21 I have more than 15 friends
22 My ears are double pierced
23 On Saturdays I have to clean my room and do chores
24 My room is underground
25 I want a double bed in my room


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