Saturday, April 7, 2012


For the past mounth i've been bugging my mom and my dad for a Pug.  A Pug is a type of dog.  The reason I want a Pug cause I really like squishy and chubby dogs and Pugs have squishy and chubby faces.  I said to my mom and my dad I would train it I would play with it I would feed it I would sweep and vacum all the Pugs sheadings I would give the Pugs bathes I would give the Pug walks I would want the Pug to be a boy I would name the Pug Zack I would clean up the Pugs poop and pee and most in porten of all I would give the Pug love.  My mom and my dad said I need to show the responsibility that a Pug neddes and then they would talk about it .  Did you know that my family is moving to South Carolina?  I'm so exited to move to South Carolina because I might get a Pug.


  1. Hi Corbin, Wow I did not know you want a pug! The picture of the pug sure looks cute! I can see why you like this kind of dog. His face is so squishy. :)

    I am excited to learn you're moving to South Carolina! What an adventure! You'll go to a new school, meet new friends, and have a new house! It's great you can do this together, with your family.

    I miss you very much. I will be in Maine in May, so I will get to see you then.

    Matante Michelle

  2. Corbin,
    I bet you would take good care of that cute little pug...and he would just love you back..keep us posted how things are your post,please keep writing
    Love you,
