Thursday, March 3, 2011

25 things...

I used the Facebook trend of 2009 and my monthly issues of US Weekly as inspiration for this weeks topic. I decided to make this week, 25 things you may not know about "me". I thought it would be fun for the kids to do... a bit harder than I expected. Kids groaned a bit at first, but then I couldn't get Corbin to bed because he wanted to finish typing out his list.  My plan is for us to do this "25 list" once a year. I think it will be fun to see how we evolve, including myself. People change, interests change. Our lists should change. Or will they?? As always, Landon's post is obviously done with help, but you can see the jest of his little personality from his "25 list". 

Mama's list
1) I am a vegetarian that could be a vegan if I didn't love yogurt so much.
2) Peanut butter is my flavor. You name it. Ice Cream, pie, cookies, taffy...
3) I love reality TV. 
4) I have been pretty obsessed with yoga lately.
5) My favorite movie is the Goonies.
6) I have an unhealthy addiction to gum. I get jaw aches. In need of an intervention.
7) Pedicures are my favorite thing in the world.
8) I can't stand country music (I have tried to like it numerous times).
9) I notice spelling errors.
10) I leave kitchen cupboard doors open a lot.
11) I placed 2nd in a ping pong tournament in 7th grade.
12) I once got a $150 tip when I worked at a bar in San Diego...for serving 2 drinks.
13) Blinds that are closed during the day drive me crazy. 
14) Blueberry picking is therapy for me.
15) I can be really impatient...working on this one.
16) Ice cream is my splurge food. No baby cone for me.
17) I could browse Whole Foods for hours on end and then still do a few more laps.
18) I am a messy cook.
19) I brake for farm stands.
20) I can't stand it when drivers do not use blinkers. 
21) I have met MacGyver (Richard Dean Anderson) with my dad.
22) I also met a drunk Kelsey Grammer with my dad. (same night)
23) I sing a lot and it drives my kids crazy.
24) I am creative, but not a good artist.
25) I have driven cross country 3 times, but do not have any desire to do it again until I am at least 60. In regards to driving/road trips, I tell Kyle, "you drive, I'll fly and meet you there!"

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