Friday, December 31, 2010

Devyn's new post

Goals for 2011
  •  Try to use my words instead of screaming
  • Keeping my room clean
  • Doing what I'm told when I'm told
Devyn's bucket list
  • Swim with dolphins and manatees
  • Go to New York
  • Go to Italy
  • visit a rain forest
  • write a book

1 comment:

  1. Hi Devyn, Corbin, and Landon,

    I think all of your more immediate goals (for 2011), and your bucket lists are wonderful! They're really inspiring!

    Corbin--I like the Eiffel Tower idea. I am with you on that.

    Devyn--I am curious about the kind of book you want to write. I also am making it a goal of 2011 to keep my room clean.

    Landon--I love Cheez-Its so much. The next time I eat some I will think of you.

    I see that swimming with manatees is mentioned by at least three family members, so looks like you will all have to do that as a family at some point.

    Love, Matante Michelle
