Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My kids are about to divorce me...

Zucchini has taken over my house.
I, like probably everyone else in the northeast that either: A) has a  garden or B) belongs to a CSA farm share, has a ridiculous amount of zucchini right now. A note about me.
I can't throw out vegetables. EVER. Even if I have 5 zucchinis sitting in my refrigerator and a random person off the street says, "I have this monstrous zucchini that I do not need, do ya want it???" My answer: "Yes, please"

My kids will divorce me for sure if I serve them one more zucchini dish. Add my veggie obsession to mealtime, and I guess I am asking for the heavy sighs. I still occasionally get the rolled eyes, but funny how there were no crumbs zucchini shreds left behind.

Here is one of the things I have been serving up at Zucchini Central. This was breakfast, 2 Sundays ago.

Zucchini Cheese Casserole 
2 cups shredded zucchini (make friends with your food processor everyone!)
1/4 cup finely chopped onion
1 cup shredded light cheddar cheese mix
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup whole grain pancake mix (I used Buckwheat pancake mix, but any other would work)
3  egg whites
4 whole eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil

Preheat oven 350F.
Use cooking spray to coat a medium size round dish.

In a small bowl combine the eggs, egg whites, olive oil, salt and basil.
In a larger bowl combine the zucchini, onion, cheese and pancake mix.
Mix the egg mixture into the zucchini mixture. Mix well and transfer to pre-oiled dish.

Bake for 45-48 minutes or until cooked through and golden.

Crispy crust...

Hearty, healthy center.